String of Pearls Plant Care


The String of Pearls plant is a succulent, so it will not tolerate overwatering. Water when the soil feels dry to the touch about an inch down (about every 2-3 weeks). If you have plants that have a little too much water, don't worry! There are several things you can do to correct this issue:

  • Refrain from watering for a few days. If your plants are still damp when you go to check them again, wait longer before watering next time. You should also consider cutting back on any fertiliser or other supplements you've been using for this plant since excess fertiliser can cause root rot and make them more susceptible to disease.
  • Move your String of Pearls away from heat sources such as heating vents or direct sunlight during hot months so that they don't overheat in summertime temperatures and lose more moisture than normal due what's called transpiration (this is where moisture evaporates off leaves into air around them). Also consider adding some sort of ventilation around these areas if possible--like an oscillating fan or window AC unit--to help keep cool air circulating around them without creating excess humidity levels inside which would cause even greater problems with over-watering issues like those mentioned above."


String of pearls plants require bright light, but will tolerate some direct sunlight. South-facing windows are the best choice for these plants because they receive plenty of light and only a little heat. Avoid dark corners, which can cause string of pearls plant leaves to become yellowed or brown.

If you don't have access to south-facing windows, they'll also do well next to west-facing windows or use LED Grow Lights—but be careful not to put them directly in front of a window as this may cause them too much exposure and heat!


Well-draining soil is essential to keeping the String of Pearls happy and healthy. A sandy, well-draining potting medium is recommended, such as cactus soil or a mixture that contains some sand. The soil should be allowed to dry out between watering (or rather, it shouldn't be allowed to sit in water). You can also use a humidity tray if you find your plant tends toward dryness in the winter months.

Room Temperature

Your string of pearls plants can thrive in a room temperature environment. The ideal temperature for your string of pearls plants is between 18 and 24 degrees Celsius. If it gets colder than this, there is a chance that your string of pearls plants will die or become sick.

If you decide to keep your string of pearls planted indoors, make sure that you do not place it near any windows where cold drafts may be coming from outside. Cold drafts can kill the roots and stems of the plant, causing it to yellow and eventually die

String of pearls is a succulent plant that is perfect for hanging baskets.

You may have heard of succulents and cacti, but what's the difference between the two? Cacti are a family of plants characterised by their thickened stem tissue and lack of leaves. Succulent plants are also found in arid climates, but they have several adaptations that help them thrive in these conditions. Succulents store water in their fleshy leaves to prevent dehydration during periods of drought or extreme heat—this is why it's important for you to keep your string-of-pearls plant moist at all times!

Succulents come in many different shapes and sizes—some even look like tiny trees! In addition to being great houseplants, they're perfect for hanging baskets because they grow vertically instead of spreading outwards like other plants would do if you left them alone outside on an unshaded patio or balcony."

Pots & Planters

You can easily grow this plant in a pot or hanging basket, but if you keep it in a container, be sure to use something with depth. The enticing, green pearl-like leaves cascade over the side of the pot and dangle up to six feet.

Although the name suggests a fruit, string of pearls isn't edible and can actually be toxic if ingested by pets or people.

It’s important to avoid contact with any part of this plant as it contains an irritant called saponin that can cause skin irritation and blisters. If you come into contact with string of pearls, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water right away.

It's best to keep this plant away from places where little ones can get access to it.

Keep this plant away from places where kids can get access to it. This beautiful fern-like houseplant, which resembles a string of pearls on a necklace, is toxic if ingested.

If you or your pets accidentally eat part of the plant, try to induce vomiting immediately, then see a health professional.

This type of succulent looks delicate but is actually quite resilient as long as you know how to take care of it properly.

The String of Pearls is a very easy plant to care for and maintain. As long as you follow these steps, your plant will have a healthy and long life.

  • Water your String of Pearls sparingly during the winter months. The soil should be lightly moistened only once every two weeks or so. You don’t want to over water it because the soil will become too wet and the roots will rot.
  • In springtime when temperatures begin to rise, you can water your succulent more often but still make sure that the soil remains dry between watering sessions.
  • During summer months when temperatures are at their highest, avoid getting any water on this type of succulent as this may cause damage to its leaves or flowers (depending on how hot it gets).

If you know how to care for other kinds of succulents, then you know how to care for a string of pearls plant.

It's important to note that a string of pearls plant is a succulent, which means it needs very little water and can survive in dry conditions. It's also resilient against pests, diseases and other threats. It also has toxic sap that can cause skin irritation if you touch it without gloves on.