Spider Plant Care

What is a Spider Plant?
"Chlorophytum comosum," also known as the spider plant, is a variety of flowering plant in the family Asparagaceae. The scientific name means "spider leaf" and refers to its appearance; the common name is derived from the way its leaves are arranged, which resemble long legs of a spider. This species has been known since 1797 and was originally described by Augustin Pyramus de Candolle.
Spider plants are easy to grow houseplants that can be found in many homes today. They're popular because they're easy to care for, provide greenery without requiring much sun or water, and have beautiful flowers that bloom throughout summertime.
Watering: Water once a week. The top half of your soil should be dry before you water again. If you have plants that are growing in containers, it's best to use a watering can instead of a hose or sprinkler system. This will avoid the plant being knocked over and keep it from getting waterlogged.
If you're growing your spider plant outside in a pot, rainwater is fine too!
For your spider plant to thrive, you must give it the right soil. This means a well-draining medium that retains moisture, but also allows for air circulation. When choosing soil for your spider plant, look for one that is high in organic matter (like peat moss). It should be slightly acidic and rich in nitrogen (either from fertilisers or composted manure), calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus.
A spider plant needs bright indirect light, but not full sun. It can tolerate low light and will grow slowly in this environment. The plant will do well indoors in a sunny window or LED Grow lights, but it should not be placed near a heat source.
The spider plant thrives in temperatures of 18-24 degrees Celsius, and can tolerate temperatures slightly lower (12-15 degrees Celsius). The spider plant will suffer if the temperature drops below 10 degrees Celsius. While this is not a problem for an adult plant, it may kill off newly planted babies.
If you're in a cold climate and need to bring your spider plant indoors for the winter, make sure to leave 3-5 inches of space between it and any heat source such as a radiator or fireplace; otherwise, its leaves will burn up!
When it comes time to re-pot your spider plant, you should do so periodically. We recommend at least every three years or when your spider plant has outgrown its current container.
Spider plants are happiest in medium sized pots and will grow well in either clay or plastic containers. You can also use a combination of both if you want more than one plant per pot.
When choosing a new pot for your spider plant, make sure the size is appropriate for its growth stage. It will also need drainage holes in the bottom to prevent water build-up that could lead to root rot. If you're using a plastic pot, be sure not to put too much soil into it as this can cause weight issues and future problems with supporting branches from becoming too heavy for their roots!
Propagation is the process of producing new plants from a parent plant. The most common way to propagate a spider plant is by division—that is, cutting the parent plant into sections and planting each section in its own container.
- Obtain one container that are approximately the same size as your original container (if you want your divisions to produce similarly sized plants).
- Fill this pot with loose, sterile potting soil and water until moistened but not soggy—the moisture should be visible on the surface of the soil. This will be our propagation station where we'll place our cuttings for germination!
Fertilisation - Use Organic
If you're using a liquid fertiliser, it's best to dilute it with water and use that mix for watering. If you're using a dry fertiliser, sprinkle some onto the soil around your plant once a month during spring and summer and once every three months during autumn and winter.
Fertilising the plant will keep it healthy and encourage it to grow. It will also help ensure that all its needs are met, from providing nourishment for growth and development to helping plants survive environmental stresses such as excessive heat or cold as well as insects or disease outbreaks.
When choosing a natural product for your home gardening needs, consider these options:
- Organic products are better for the environment because they don't contain harmful pesticides or herbicides (chemicals used in agriculture). They will also last longer than chemical-based counterparts before needing replacement.
- Organic fertilisers contain nutrients such as nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K), which are essential for healthy plant growth but can be difficult substances to find naturally occurring sources of within our ecosystem due to overuse by humans throughout history.
- Potted spider plants should be watered whenever the soil feels dry, which is usually every two weeks.
- Keep the spider plant in an area with either high humidity or mist it daily if you live in a dry climate.
- Fertilise every two weeks
- If you live in an area with cold winters, bring potted plants indoors before frost begins and keep them on a sunny windowsill until warm weather returns for good! This can extend their growing season by several months each year!
Growing a Spider Plant in New Zealand
As its name suggests, the spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum) is a good indoor choice. It's not frost tolerant, but it will survive brief periods of cold weather and can even be grown outdoors in some areas of NZ.
Spider plants are easy to grow as long as you provide them with adequate light and water. If you're new to growing spider plants or have had some trouble with your existing ones, here are some tips on how to care for your plant:
- Provide bright sunlight or artificial light for at least 12 hours per day.
- Water regularly (about once every week) during the growing season from spring through fall but allow soil to dry out between watering during winter months when growth slows down dramatically due to cooler temperatures indoors.
- Don't let the soil become too dry—even if it seems like your spider plant might prefer dry conditions because it tends toward wilting when watered too often!
Enjoy your Spider Plant
Congratulations! With a little bit of TLC and care, your spider plant should live for years to come. Spider plants are renowned for their air-purifying qualities, making them an excellent choice for both your living room or cozy bedroom. They remove harmful toxins and release oxygen, helping you breathe cleaner, fresher air as you sleep.
The best part about caring for a spider plant is that it's so low maintenance—you'll have time to explore other plants in your collection. And if you're feeling ambitious, consider making some new friends by inviting them over to admire your gorgeous specimen.
Check out the beautiful planters, stands and shelves that can decorate your room with your favorite spider plants today!