Peperomia Plant Care



Peperomias are succulents and do not need to be watered very often. In fact, over-watering is one of the biggest problems people encounter when growing them indoors. As a general rule, let the soil dry out between waterings. If you are unsure how much time has passed since your last watering, use your finger to test the soil; if it feels dry at all, then it’s time for another round of watering. Do not allow it to get soggy or wet!


Peperomia plants prefer bright light, but not direct sunlight. They will tolerate low light conditions so long as they have adequate ventilation. If you are growing a peperomia plant indoors and you notice it looking a bit sad, move it to a brighter spot. The same goes if your peperomia is not getting enough light.

If you do not want to bother with moving the plant every day (or even every few days), consider using LED Grow lights to grow your peperomias indoors.


Peperomia plants, like most other tropical houseplants, prefer soil that drains well. Don't use overly rich or compacted soils. You may want to experiment with several different types of potting soil until you find one that works perfectly for your plant's needs. If you're not sure what type of potting soil your local garden center sells, ask them for advice on finding the right kind for your peperomia plant’s needs.

Some people recommend adding sand to the bottom half of a container before putting in the potting mix, which can help promote good drainage and aeration in the soil. However, many growers prefer this method because it prevents excess water from pooling around their plants' roots—so if your peperomia is prone to root rot or other sorts of problems related to over-watering (such as black spots on its leaves), then consider using this tip instead!

Room temperature

Peperomia plants like it warm, but not too hot. Ideal room temperature is between 18-21 degrees celsius. Avoid draughts and open windows. Avoid areas near heaters and air conditioning units.

If you live in an area that gets cold winter temperatures (below 10 degrees celcius), keep in mind that your Peperomia will need some extra care during this time period. The colder temps will cause their leaves to drop off—but don’t worry! Just remove any dead or wilted leaves carefully with scissors or pruning shears and wait patiently until spring arrives so they can grow back again!

You don't need to be an expert gardener to keep a peperomia plant happy.

Peperomia plants are easy to care for, which means that you don't need to be an expert gardener to keep a peperomia plant happy. These little plants are long-lived and can grow well in many different conditions—they're also very cute! They're perfect for people who love gardening but don't have much time on their hands or space in their homes.

You'll find that these small plants come with interesting leaves and beautiful colors; they often feature a combination of green, white, or pink hues on the leaves' edges (and sometimes even throughout).