Golden Pothos Plant Care
What are golden pothos?
Golden pothos (Epipremnum aureum, also known as devil’s ivy) is an evergreen vine-like plant. It has heart-shaped leaves and can grow up to 10 feet long. Its flowers are small and white, with five petals. Golden pothos is native to the Solomon Islands, but it's popular in NZ because it's easy to care for indoors and thrives in most climates.

Water your Golden Pothos plant when the top inch of soil is dry. If you use tap water, be sure that it’s filtered or distilled water. If you live in a hard-water area (where there are lots of dissolved minerals), this can be detrimental to the health of your pothos plant.
If you have many plants, consider grouping them together to make plant care and watering easier because they will need less frequent watering than if they were spaced apart. The best approach is to allow water to drip out through the bottom drainage hole into a large enough container so that all excess can drain away before refilling with fresh water again—don’t let excess sit in saucers under the plant for too long as these may cause root rot problems later on down the road!
Soil that drains well is crucial to the health of your golden pothos, so you'll want to use a potting mix with lots of organic material in it.
The pot or planter you choose for your golden pothos plant should be large enough to accommodate all the soil needed for its roots, but not too big. A pot that is too deep will make it difficult for water and nutrients to reach all areas of this plant's root system. The same goes for a pot that is too small: Your pothos' roots might be limited by their boundaries. In general, you'll want a wide but shallow container (at least 6 inches wide), rather than one tall and narrow—unless you plan on training your golden pothos as an ivy!
Another important consideration when choosing your golden pothos' home is drainage; if there are no holes in its bottom (or worse yet—if they're blocked), excess water can pool inside and cause root rot or damage the entire plant. It's therefore vital that you choose wisely here!
The golden pothos plant is not a sun worshipper, but it does appreciate at least a little sunlight. In fact, this low-light plant can tolerate a lot of indirect light and even thrives in the shade. It’ll do best in an east or west window that gets morning or afternoon sun. If you have no access to these kinds of windows, consider adding artificial lighting, like LED Grow Lights—but keep in mind that this will only help if you place the plant where there is plenty of space between it and the lamp.
Golden pothos can thrive in a temperature range of 15-30 degrees Celcius
If your home's temperature falls too low, you may notice that the leaves turn yellow and fall off.
Lush green foliage, fast growth and prolific flower production are all characteristics of your Golden Pothos plant. This means it will require regular fertilisers to ensure optimum health and performance. Fertilise once a month during the growing season (spring and summer). Use a balanced liquid fertiliser such as Superthrive or Tropica Plant Food for Tropical Plants diluted at half the recommended strength. Water thoroughly before fertilising to improve absorption of nutrients by the root system. Do not fertilise during winter months as this may encourage soft leaves or yellowing foliage due to an excess of nitrogen that is unable to be absorbed into the soil.
Pruning a golden pothos
How to prune a golden pothos:
- Use sharp, clean pruning shears or scissors and be sure to disinfect them with rubbing alcohol before each cut.
- Cut off all vines that have finished growing for the year at ground level along with any brown leaves that are still attached to the vine, leaving just one or two green leaves on each stem of new growth. In colder climates, wait until spring to prune your plant in order to prevent it from getting injured by frost while it's still dormant; if you live in a warmer climate you may be able to prune your golden pothos anytime during the year as long as it's not getting too hot outside.
How do you propagate a golden pothos using a propagation station
The propagation station is a specialised environment for growing pothos from cuttings. It allows you to make clones of your favourite plant without having to worry about its survival. You can use a propagation station anywhere in the home, but it works particularly well in an unheated room such as a garage or basement.
The best way to propagate golden pothos is by taking cuttings from healthy leaves and placing them inside the propagation station. This can be done at any time of year if you take care regarding watering and temperature requirements! Once placed inside the propagation tray, new roots will begin forming within 10 days while providing ample humidity around each cutting.
It's important that each cutting has plenty of room between them so they don't compete for resources like light or water while they grow into full-size plants.
Once your cuttings have been placed into the trays, use tweezers or tongs to dip the cuttings in water every few days until roots start forming about 2 weeks later.
Golden pothos are easy-to-maintain plants that can be used in many different indoor spaces.
Pothos plants are part of the Araceae family, which also includes philodendrons and anthuriums. A native to Southeast Asia and parts of Africa, pothos is commonly grown as an indoor plant in warm climates around the world. Golden pothos can be used as a houseplant or in outdoor containers; both plants are require little care and can be used in many different indoor spaces.